trešdiena, 2016. gada 9. novembris

First Aid Kit for Europeans (but not just for them): when you're scared of what's happening in the world

During the last year, it became clear to me that Europe is a less safe place now than it was 2 years ago, and I didn't know how to deal with that. I was very distressed.

After several months of struggling with fear, I finally found a medicine for it:

DOING something. CREATING something.

Because fear just paralyzes people. It doesn't create anything new.

Remember: in large part, you life doesn't depend on terrorists or Vladimir Putin or your President or Donald Trump or on Chinese politicians. We're very lucky still - our lives mostly depend on ourselves.

And we have lots of good examples in Europeans who knew pretty well what to do with their lives. Wise people, artists, inventors, but also people who just continued the family businesses: good blacksmiths, good seamstresses, good builders.

This way, we've created some amazing stuff:

Beautiful architecture that people from all over the world come to see.
Cheap and healthy and delicious food.
Wonderful works of art.
Most of the sports in the Olympics.
Music that's played all over the world.
Ballroom dances.
Some great board and card games.
Technology inventions: sewing machines, trams, railways, soft contact lenses, Skype...
and don't get me started on science :-D

Why not continue this tradition?

I know, I'm not exactly a brilliant artist or a scientist. But even I can do something. Because creativity doesn't just make you feel better, it encourages others to feel better. And it eradicates fear like nothing else does. And it helps you be proud of yourself. And what if the neighbours' kid notices you, and is inspired, and grows up to be an artist or a scientist? :-)

So I thought of some things to do when fear is overcoming you.
Even when you don't have much money (like me).
Here goes:

Watch old French comedies, spaghetti westerns, films with Sophia Loren, Paul Belmondo...
Play board games with friends
Play with kids

Learn archery or fencing
Go to theatre
Have a beer in an old pub or coffee in a café

Visit an interactive science park
Read books
Cultivate your garden and if you don´t have a garden,  put some flowers in your windows :-)
Visit some exciting places - castles, aquaparks, zoos, museums...

Visit a folklore festival

And the best thing to do:

to chat with people and create something great together, or just have fun! :-)