svētdiena, 2018. gada 30. decembris



What did you do in 2018 that you’d never done before?

Visited a masseuse (I have mild spine problems due to sitting at a desk).

Had an endoscopy done on me and had my gallbladder operated.

Encountered death in hospital.

Started using a Computer Aided Translation tool – Trados, a programme that helps you translate documents. I needed it for my freelance translating business.

Saw an Indian kathak dance performance by a female Indian dancer. This is her :-)

Visited several Indian classical dance classes taught by this dancer, where I was the only non-Indian person present 😊

Visited a political discussion club with Slovak journalists.

Discovered two American actors whom I find handsome (Jackson DeForest Kelley and Jerry Orbach). Now that’s a first! Up till then, I hadn’t liked any American actors. No idea why.

Visited a church service in the Protestant Academy of Healthcare and Nursing in Brno-Líšeň. It’s weird to listen to a sermon while surrounded by non-believers.

Crossed the border to Austria on foot.

Successfully communicated in German.

Co-operated with an official court translator from Latvian on translation of legal documents.

Visited a musical church service – in a pub 😊

Eliminated blue light from my life (and it’s helping me sleep better).

Bought an air ventilator and placed it in my room in summer. I’d never needed that before, but the summers are getting crazy hot.

Placed a bowl with water in the garden for the birds to drink from. My sister said it’s mostly lizards that use it. But that’s nice, too.

Prayed for rain to come.

Went some 9 months without going to church.

Visited the house in Prague where I lived for the first 4 years of my life, with my best friend.

Went to cinema twice in one year. I actually used to do that when I was a kid, but hadn’t done that for some 20 years now, so it felt like the first time 😊

Was on a strict gallbladder- and stomach diet and therefore had a craving for a lot of different meals – even meat! I’d never had much craving for food, I’m more of a drinks (juice and Indian black tea 😊 ) person. But now - I SO want fried cheese!

Visited the summer residence of the Czech presidents - chateau Lány.

Received a consultation on a film script translation from one of Latvia’s most respected directors and script writers (Laila Pakalniņa).

Discovered and met my “successor and heir” – the only other person in the Brno area who has discovered Latvia for himself and fallen in love with it and learned Latvian by himself.

Have been trying to working effectively. I’d never done that in my life, I just worked as I could, but this year, I started thinking about the effectivity of it all. Started using an online planner called Notion and it’s actually very good.

Took part in a sporting project and was actually fired from this volunteer work! The boss somehow thought I wasn’t loyal enough – well, he works for a hockey team where you need to have that extreme team spirit, while I’m a freelance translator, so that doesn’t mix very well.

Worked in the historical centre of Brno – guarded an exhibition for the Brno Zoo right next to the mediaeval Old Town Hall! The building I worked in was built in the 14th century and it was great because the stone walls were so thick that they protected me from the summer heat 😊

Did a proofreading of an ornithological magazine.

Spent two nights in a chateau during an ornithological conference.

Celebrated 100th anniversary of Czech (and Slovak) independence from Austria. Now that’s a first – and a last 😊 Granted, visiting Austria is a strange way to celebrate the independence from it, but that wasn’t the only thing we did 😊  and it shows how the relationship between the Czech Republic and Austria is good and we hold no grudges.

Took part in the 100th anniversary of Latvian independence celebrations, too.

Saw an opera in the Czech National Theatre (Antonín Dvořák’s Rusalka), and it was beyond great. Simple yet symbolic stage setting, very dramatic and relatable story.

Managed to walk 15 kilometres in a hilly area after my operation and saw the effects of drought on the forests. They were quiet, and it was eerie.

Visited the Czech Nature and Landscape Protection Agency (Agentura ochrany přírody a krajiny).

Uploaded a picture in Wikimedia Commons.

Ate British custard cream biscuits and Scottish shortbread.

Participated in a translation seminar with the actual author of the Lithuanian story we were translating.

Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make one this year?

I didn't make any.

But I’d like to make three New Year’s resolutions in 2019:

1) Keep dancing and improve my muscle tone
          2) Only visit Facebook twice a week
      3) Work on my Exploring Czechia website
Did anyone close to you give birth?


Did anyone close to you die?

No, thank God.

What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018?

Health. A Protestant congregation to belong to. Faith. Free time, free time, free time! Opportunity to do something fun, preferably with a nice bloke 😊

What countries/states did you visit?

I actually went abroad after 7 years of being stuck in the Czech Republic. It was just a day in Austria, i.e. not far from my home because I live close to the border with Austria, but it was great!

What date from 2018 will remain etched upon your memory?

Hopefully, none 😊 my head is too full as it is :-D

Did you move anywhere?


What was your biggest achievement of the year?

I finished a course on legal terminology for translators and passed the final exam, in spite of poor health and the incredible amount of information I had to learn.

I also translated a book and two films 😊

What was your biggest failure?

I lost my faith. Partly. I’m sort of taking a break and re-discovering God. I’ve never been such a weird mixture of a non-believer and an earnest Christian in my life.

I didn’t manage to finish all the translation projects from 2017 (that I didn't finish in 2017 due to my disease).

I also didn’t have time to write to a nice lady I’d met in hospital. Have written to her now, though 😊

Did you suffer illness or injury?

The chain of diseases from 2017 continued – first, post-operative problems with the non-existent gallbladder, then stomach problems, then esophagitis... I also had a lot of health problems that scared me and required investigation, but it always turned out they are side effects of the stomach medication I take and can be solved easily by taking mineral supplements.

I also went to a musical worship where the music was so loud that my ears started to hurt and I had to run out, covering them.

It turned out I have hyperacusis (an untreatable ear condition that makes loud noises hurt in your ears) and it limits my possibilities and social life a lot.

What was the best thing you bought?

I didn’t buy much this year, but the new computer keyboard and the notepad for my dance classes are nice. Plus I bought The Sims 3 for my new computer (couldn’t transfer it from the old one). I LOVE that game, but I don’t play it in the usual way – I mostly create towns and houses. Don’t have much time to play it, though.

And I’ve always dreamed of a box with many drawers and compartments for my handicraft tools and materials, but never had the money to buy it. So, I’ve started making it myself this year.

Whose behaviour merited celebration?

My mom's and my sister Hanka’s, who somehow managed to survive my diseases and horrible moods caused by them. My sister has also started to organize and tidy up her room for the first time in her life and I’m incredibly happy about that.

Robert Vlach’s – he’s the most famous Czech freelance consultant and his Facebook page posts very useful advice. Some of the best changes in my life I mention here are down to him.

My aunt’s and godmother’s who have helped me a lot with my spiritual life and health, respectively (they’re a pastor and a nurse, respectively 😊 )

A fellow translator's from Latvian who he gave me motivation to keep my professional activities going when I was struggling to find a purpose in life after my disease. It’s nice to have someone express confidence in your abilities when you’ve been worried you might be handicapped for the rest of your life.

The European Union's, because it paid for my Latvian friend's mother's treatment of a serious disease. The medication is very expensive and she couldn't afford it.  But she got it from the EU for free and that saved her life.

The people at the Brno Zoo’s because they were very nice to me when I was working the summer job there.

The girls’ who shared the room with me during the ornithological conference because I got a panic attack due to exhaustion but they handled it brilliantly.

Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?

My father’s, because he didn’t come to see me once during my six-month disease that included an operation. “I can’t leave the house for more than one day, my central heating would go out.”

A pastor in Třebíč, a town about 40 kilometres from where I live. I’d known and admired her when I was a kid, and wanted badly to visit her church all those 6 months when I was ill and unable to travel. When I finally got better and earned the money to go there, I could only stay in that church for 10 minutes because the speakers were very loud, her voice was shrill and my ears started to hurt again. Apart from that, in those 10 minutes, she sounded like someone who watches TV news more than reads the Bible. So it left me feeling betrayed.

The ornithologists’ who participated in the three-day conference in the chateau because they were noisy all night, even though I asked them to be quiet. I was finishing the translation of a film script at the time so I needed sleep. Don’t ornithologists EVER go to sleep? Perhaps they’re related to owls… 😊

Where did most of your money go?

Into rent and food, as usual. I also spent a lot of money on medicine and stuff for my translating business.

What did you get really, really, really excited about?

Nothing, which is a first for me. But I got the possibility to exhibit my embroidered works in the chateau museum in Strážnice in 2020, so I’m looking forward to that.

What was the best concert you’ve been to this year?

I’ve only been to one - a traditional Indian music concert.

What song/album will always remind you of 2018?

Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. For lyrics, see the end of this article.

 Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd, featuring DeForest Kelley from Star Trek

And the piano music from Winnie the Pooh audiobook I listened to a lot.

Compared to this time last year, are you:

1.       happier or sadder?
Much, much happier. And healthier.
I was in such a horrible state at the end of 2017, not being able to eat or sleep and mourning the death of a friend and thinking I was going to die as well – so it’s very easy to be happier now :-D

2.      thinner or fatter?

Much, much thinner. I lost 13 kilograms during 2017 and 2018 due to the disease and gallbladder operation.

3.      richer or poorer?
About the same.
What do you wish you’d done more of?

Talking to people.

What do you wish you’d done less of?

Visiting Facebook. I took a couple days off Facebook during Christmas and realized what a waste of time it is. Trouble is, it’s not always waste of time... it's great for talking to people about interesting stuff, and they contact me on FB about professional matters, too. But it's too overwhelming.

What was your greatest musical discovery?

Run Boy Run by Woodkid. It’s a great song to do intuitive dancing to 😊

How did you spend Christmas?

Alone at home, but unlike last year, I wasn’t ill, so it was much better 😊

Who did you spend the most time on the phone with?

My mom, grandmother and sister, probably. This year, I spent more time chatting with my other sister and am very happy about that.

What was the best book you read?

Kārlis Dziļleja – Garlībs Merķelis – a biography of an 18th-19th century German – Latvian philosopher and journalist. “A philosopher’s biography” doesn’t sound like exciting reading - but it is! He travelled a lot. He was a total failure at first and it took him a long time to find his place and purpose in life but when he did, he became a huge asset to his country. I sort of saw myself in him.

Amálie Kutinová – Gabra a Málinka. The exploits of two little girls in the early 20th century Wallachia – the Eastern part of the Czech Republic, recorded by the younger of the girls later in her life. Incredibly funny. Wallachia is where my surname comes from and it’s a great way to learn what this wild but honest and friendly country was like 110 years ago.

C.S. Lewis – Perelandra. Symbolic, philosophical, Christian sci-fi. Very good and very hard to understand. I don’t know what it is about sci-fi that’s helped me so much this year 😊 C.S. Lewis was an unbelievable person. I know several people with the same scope of education and intelligence, but none of them has his earnest excitement about stories and ability to describe sensations vividly. It feels like his brain and heart and soul must have been the size of a mountain range.

Did you fall in love in 2018?

Nope. Fancied two blokes platonically, but that was out of loneliness.

Met two blokes on a Christian lonely hearts website but it didn't go very well.

What was your favourite TV show?

Star Dance – the live TV show where celebrities learn how to dance ballroom dances. The Czech version is very old-world and dignified, especially this season that was in honour of the 1918 independence proclamation. I’m not into ballroom dances myself, but still like the dancing part of it. I also loved the charity episode this year – they treated the wheelchair-bound dancers as equals this year, and told their fascinating life stories.

Star Trek (1966-1969). My sister recommended it to me when I was recovering from a long disease and it was like water of life to me. The philosophical and sociological issues, the values, the imagination, the science, the literature aspect of it. And first and foremost, Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy. They were to me what they were to Captain Kirk – their calm demeanour, intelligence and humour kept me going in the most troubling times. It turned out that Star Trek was exactly what I needed to... well, to go back to myself, to find myself again.

Frankie Drake Mysteries – a new Canadian period whodunnit

Murder, She Wrote - I watched that a lot, it's a nice series but not my favourite

and of course Murdoch Mysteries, another Canadian period whodunnit and my favourite TV show of them all :-)

Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?

I somehow get angry more easily, but no, I don’t hate anyone specifically, except for some politicians.

What did you want and get?

A new computer – it’s a huge contraption put together from spare parts by my father, but it works perfectly and I like it.

Several pieces of clothing: for example, two blouses sewn by my sister and a shawl knitted by my mom.

What did you want and not get?

My folk costume finished – me and my sister, we bought all the materials and shoes and everything, but she hasn’t finished sewing it yet. I can’t sew myself.

What didn’t you want and get?

A stylish rucksack from my aunt for my birthday.

Classical Indian dance (kathak) classes with a great Indian teacher.

DVD - Frozen, the Disney fairy-tale that I like.

What were your favourite films of this year?

Just Like Heaven, Decoy Bride. Two brilliant and witty romantic comedies. My sister has great taste in romantic comedies. And David Tennant is literally the only romantic hero in an English-speaking romantic comedy whom I like.

I also saw Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald in cinema and loved it. Granted, I’m a huge Wizarding World fan so I’m not exactly impartial 😊

Planeta Česko. That was the second film I saw in a cinema – the first Czech feature film on Czech nature. It was a big deal here this year, and it’s great.

What kept you sane?

On reflection, I would say sci-fi 😊

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

Jan Bubák. That wasn’t really fancying a public figure, as I’ve known him since childhood and was baptized with him, but I’ve learned he has become an opera conductor with the Czech National Theatre – a very prestigious position. I don’t know anyone who deserves it more, as he’s not only a good conductor but also a good person. I’m also proud that the National Theatre now has someone who studied in Lithuania, just like I did.

Jackson DeForest Kelley. I discovered him in Star Trek where he played Dr. McCoy and fell in love with him. I thought “He must have been such a nice bloke!” And sure enough, everything I read about him said he was level-headed and kind and had a way of making everyone feel at ease.

Wunmi Mosaku, a Nigerian-British actress. Me and my sister were watching Fantastic Beasts and in the end credits, I noticed her name and said “Wow, that sounds familiar!” Then I remembered hers was the family that accommodated me in 1997 when my children’s choir was visiting Manchester. She was the youngest of three daughters and the family were very nice and great fun. So, I actually met an accomplished British film actress when she was 11! It’s so surreal, considering the Iron Curtain had barely fallen by then.
I don’t know what it is with me and Nigerian-British actors, because my favourite actor is Tony Osoba, a Scottish actor with a Nigerian father.

Veronika Lálová and Alice Stodůlková and Dalibor Gondík. Two of the female dancers of the Star Dance TV show whose choreographies I like, and one of the celebrities that competed there. I don’t know anything about him but I liked how excited he was about learning the technique and physics of dancing.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

Health. Free time. Opportunities to meet people. Going to church.

What political issue stirred you the most?

This whole year was politically stirring. The first murder of a journalist in the history of Slovakia, our prime minister governing with the support of Communists (ugh), municipal elections (the results of which I actually liked 😊 ), the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Parliament elections in Latvia, teacher strikes in Lithuania etc. etc. I do proofreading for TV and radio news monitoring, so being stirred by political issues is an everyday thing now.

The Kavanaugh hearing and the MeToo movement.

I most actively participated in the reaction to the Czech president's claim that almost no gypsy (Roma) people in the Czech Republic work. It's nonsense. I gained a gypsy Facebook friend in the process.

I also took part in a protest against the Communist support for the new, mildly leftist government.

Who did you miss?

My best friend who moved back to Latvia in 2017 and remained there. My grandmother whom I wasn’t able to visit much. People who specialize in Baltic Studies.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2018.

Facebook makes you not miss talking to people, and that’s not good.

Leisure time is very important. You become sort of more yourself when you have free time and use it creatively.

Sometimes God doesn’t talk to you simply because your brain is too full and there’s no space there for Him.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.

Pink Floyd: Comfortably Numb

Hello? Hello? Hello?
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone at home?

Come on now
I hear you're feeling down
Well I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again

I'll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain you would not understand
This is not how I am
I have become comfortably numb

Just a little pinprick
There'll be no more, ah
But you may feel a little sick

Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working, good
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on it's time to go

There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying

When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now

The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb

My horrible 6-month illness (October 2017-March 2018) had a purpose, after all! I learned a lot about the human body and later, I was able to tell that my sister Anna Marie is suffering from the same disease.

So at least SHE avoided six months of ill health, suffering and financial problems. It would have been far worse in her case because I’m single and work from home, while she’s married and works with people.

I never realized how important having fun was! I’ve been doing what I enjoy all my life, all sorts of interesting projects and hobbies – but I haven’t had proper fun for a long time! I don’t even know what makes me happy, happy as in – just relaxed, playful, having fun. I’d been living too intensely, wanting my life to have not one, but about a hundred purposes. And it nearly killed me (literally).

So I became “comfortably numb” – working happily but mechanically, no dreams, no plans, no creativity, being secretly glad I have so much to do that I don’t have time to ring my mom or to go out and meet people. I’d never been so exhausted in my life.

But now, I’m rising like a phoenix from the ashes. And my mission for the next year: find out how to have fun!

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